Did you know?

Mitol builds its present and future on an exceptional tradition. Our history goes back more than 70 years, but our story did not begin with adhesives, which are now our core business. The first factory from which Mitol has grown, was Mleko Sežana, a very real dairy, which supplied the surrounding area with milk and dairy products.
Since the milk supply exceeded the demand of that time, the idea was born to produce casein from the milk, which is the basis for the production of adhesives. In 1954, the first casein glue was made in our laboratory. The decision soon turned out to be visionary, as, due to the increased demand for industrial adhesives, Mitol increasingly focused on a new market opportunity and in addition to casein, began to develop synthetic adhesives. The quantity of purchased milk decreased year by year and MITOL eventually abandoned the dairy industry and dedicated itself to the intensive development of synthetic adhesives.
An interesting story, do you agree?