MITOL among companies with the highest creditworthiness

Due to excellent business performance and financial stability, MITOL has been re-ranked among the recipients of the Platinum Creditworthiness of Excellence for the year 2019.
Due to excellent business performance and financial stability, MITOL has been re-ranked among the recipients of the Platinum Creditworthiness Certificate of Excellence for the year 2019.
The certificate, which is recognized also in the international environment, is awarded by Bisnode Slovenia to business entities that reach AAA Golden Credit Excellence for the three consecutive years.
The credit rating is determined on the base of financial statements and other dynamic indicators of the company.
The creditworthiness assessment of excellence is only given to the best business entities that meet the highest standards of business ethics and have proven to be a reliable partner in terms of payment discipline, reliable supplies and quality of products or services over a longer period.
The Platinum Certificate of Excellence is a major recognition for MITOL as it has been ranked to the very top of the most successful and most reliable companies in Slovenia, where only 1.5 % of Slovenian businesses belong.