Introducing Mitol’s new line of adhesives called the VISION LINE. Deliver enhanced product safety, establish your brand as a leader in sustainability, increase the recyclability of your end products, achieve higher quality standards, minimize energy consumption and ensure exceptional workplace safety.

Energy efficient HPB wall cladding system
Mitol is involved in the development of a product that will allow energy savings and at the same time help to mitigate the impact of climate change on our living environment.

New product design
We are pleased to inform, that we have redesigned the packaging for all products that are listed in Professional and DIY products.

Visit us: Hall 17, Stand A26
After four years, LIGNA fair is opening its doors widely again and invites visitors and exhibitors from all over the world. We will be there. What about you?

MITOL products’ presentation at Vračar d.o.o., Belgrade
At Vračar d.o.o. Belgrade, our new distributer from Serbia, we performed a presentation of Mitol’s DIY adhesives and flooring products for his sales team.

MITOL among the five top exporters
In the selection for the Winner of Slovenian Exports 2021, we have ranked among the first five finalists. We are very proud of this recognition, as it represents a confirmation that we are on the right track and it gives us a new incentive for achieving our goals.

SICAM FAIR Pordenone
We kindly invite you to visit us at SICAM Fair, an International Exhibition of Components, Accessories and Semi-finished Products for Furniture Industry. We will be there for you in Hall 1, Stand C36 from 12-15 October 2021.

MITOPUR A1: For safe and environmentally-friendly products
MITOPUR A1 is a 2C polyurethane adhesive used for gluing sandwich panels and for filter manufacturing. We have we recently obtained an opinion on the suitability of its use for food contact in accordance with EU regulation 10/2011.

Expansion of distribution network
We are very pleased to announce that we have strengthened our distribution network in Poland and have expanded it to new countries – Romania and Moldova.

From our production range: MEKOL MONT
Assembly adhesive for quick fixing and gluing of skirting boards, Styropor, insulation and other materials. It is suitable for gluing on walls and ceilings. Allows quick and easy repair of locally raised floor coverings or ceramic tiles.

MITOL among companies with the highest creditworthiness
Due to excellent business performance and financial stability, MITOL has been re-ranked among the recipients of the Platinum Creditworthiness of Excellence for the year 2019.

New product: MEKOL LVT+
High-quality fibre-reinforced dispersion adhesive. For gluing LVT- Luxury Vinyl Tiles, rubber and linoleum.

Creative Workshops in Minicity
Participating in the Wintercity project we have allowed the youngest to enjoy the magic of fairy-tale land and to express their creative ideas on the wings of imagination.

Keeping things together
Take a look of our new company presentation and find out all the interesting details about MITOL you have always wanted to know.

Sign up for the newsletter!
Be the first to be informed about the new products from Mitol, our new products and solutions designed for you! Sign up for the newsletter and let us stay in touch with you!

Did you know?
Mitol builds its present and future on an exceptional tradition. Our history goes back more than 70 years, but our story did not begin with adhesives, which are now our core business. The first factory from which Mitol has grown, was Mleko Sežana, a very real dairy, which supplied the surrounding area with milk and dairy products.

New in the sales program
We are constantly exploring new opportunities for better solutions and developing new products. This time, we are happy to present the following innovations in our offer:

Visit our new website
Have you recently visited our website
Well, you should!

A lot of news from Mitol
Perhaps you will first notice our new image. The refreshed MITOL logo is only a symbol to remind you of the many changes.

Prijavite se na E-novičke!
Bodite med prvimi, ki bodo obveščeni o novostih iz Mitola, naših novih izdelkih in rešitvah, oblikovanih za vas!

Obiščite nas na sejmu Ligna v Hannovru (27.–31. maj 2019)
Le nekaj dni po Interzumu vam bomo na voljo še na sejmu Ligna v Hannovru v Nemčiji.

Obiščite nas na sejmu Interzum v Kölnu (21.–24. maj 2019)
Od 21. do 24. maja se lahko srečamo na sejmu Interzum v Kölnu, svetovnem stičišču proizvajalcev pohištva in notranje opreme.

Ali ste vedeli?
Mitol gradi svojo sedanjost in prihodnost na izjemni tradiciji. Naša zgodovina je dolga že več kot 70 let, a naša zgodba se ni začela z lepili, ki so zdaj naša osrednja dejavnost. Prva tovarna, iz katere je zrasel Mitol, je bila Mleko Sežana, čisto prava mlekarna, ki je z mlekom in mlečnimi izdelki oskrbovala okoliške kraje.

Novo v prodajnem programu
Ves čas raziskujemo nove možnosti za boljše rešitve in razvijamo nove izdelke. Tako vam tokrat z veseljem predstavljamo spodnje novosti v naši ponudbi.

Veliko novega iz Mitola
Morda vam bo najprej padla v oči naša nova podoba. Osveženi znak MITOL je le simbol, ki opozarja, da se tudi pri nas spreminja marsikaj.

Presentation of Hybrid Adhesives
Training of sales staff on the topic of sealant and assembly adhesives was held at the trade company TopDom d.o.o. Slovenia

PARKETOLIT PR52: One-component polyurethane primer.
Odour-free. Fast. Ready to use.

DOMOTEX Fair 2019
DOMOTEX 2019 has successfuly drawn to an end. We would like to thank you all the customers who visited us on our stand. See you on the next exhibition.

Amendment of the Company’s legal form
Notice concerning the Amendment of the Company’s legal form from shareholder’s company »d.d.« to limited liability company »d.o.o.« and the request to use our new legal form in our business correspondence

Notice concerning the change in Company’s leadership
We would like to inform you that there was a change in Company’s management effective from January 1, 2018 and that the steering wheel of MITOL d.o.o., Sežana was taken over by Mr. Robert Srabotič.